The usage and generalization of the example diode

Hi, I am now using DEVSIM and have read the documents and examples therein. It looks pretty well. However, I have the following problems with respect to the script: examples/diode/

  1. What‘s the result obtained by this script. My meaning is, the potential, carrier distribution and current vary with time, but the returned result is only at one time instant (The default tdelta in solve command is 0 by default). Thus I wonder the returned result is at which time instant? Steady state? Or at t = 0?

  2. If I apply a voltage of 2V on the contact, and want to know the potential、carrier distribution、current at an arbitrary time t, then how should I use the codes? By using command like this?

    tNow = 0
    while v<2.0:
    set_parameter(device=device, name=GetContactBiasName(“top”), value=v)
    solve(type=“dc”, absolute_error=absTol, relative_error=reltol, tdelta = DeltaT)
    v += 0.1
    tNow += DeltaT

    set_parameter(device=device, name=GetContactBiasName(“top”), value=2)
    while tNow<2.0:
    solve(type=“dc”, absolute_error=absTol, relative_error=reltol, tdelta = DeltaT)
    tNow += DeltaT

If it is, how should I choose the value of DeltaT? Is there a greenthumb safe instruction? And how will the choice influence the final result?

  1. If I want to solve another 2D Diode problem with different geometry shape, doping but the same material (but the carrier mobility, lifetime will be changed), how should I modify the script? From my understanding, all I need is to modify “diode_common.Create2DMesh”, “diode_common.SetParameters”, “diode_common.SetNetDoping” and “simple_physics”.

Thanks a lot!

@cstg02 I apologize for the transient solver documentation to be incomplete. Please see my answers to your previous question, concerning modifying the scripts for dc behavior. Are you also interested in transient simulation? I will work on improving the documentation and providing examples if there is enough interest.

Thanks very much for your kindly reply. I have responsed on the previous question. Let us discuss in that question.