Shared Project for ferroelectric and organic devices

Hello Everyone:

I have shared my works in recent years on All of these works are collaborated with the founder of Devsim.

At present, there are just four example devices: diode, ferroelectric capacitor, ferroelectric thin film transistor, and traps in organic transistors.
Results for Diode:

Result for ferroelectric capacitor:

Result for ferroelectric thin film transistor:

Result for traps in organic transistor:

Please contact me if you have any questions about this project.


作者您好,我下载了这个项目源码想学习一下,但是发现缺少了一些python文件如QSGaussianEnhancement和QSramp :sob:

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Thanks for your intresting in this project. I have uploaded to the github.
The QSGaussianEnhancement isn’t necessary at present. Could you tell me which script are you tested?

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噢非常感谢,我是在diode例子的silicondioda.py代码中看到from QSGaussianEnhancement import *,我尝试将该引用删除即可以运行,不过还有些小小的bug可能是我库依赖问题,非常感谢您! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: