it would greatly streamline installation and allow DEVSIM to be easily made into a dependency in other projects if there was a way to retrieve it from a package manager
PS: We are trying to integrate open-source TCAD into our open-source layout software which already has circuit simulators and photonic simulator plugins; currently DEVSIM and Charon are good contenders.
TLDR: I would like for devsim to be part of a standard package, but I do not know the best practices for doing this for an arbitrary Python distribution. If you know an expert willing to help us, it would be appreciated.
Long Response:
The binary releases of DEVSIM should be compatible with any Python distribution version 3.3 or greater on macOS (intel), Windows, and Linux. A BLAS/LAPACK dynamic library must be available somewhere on the system. The zlib and sqlite3 dependencies are usually available as part of the Python distribution or operating system.
I am not an expert on Python packaging. Installing the package from source can be automated, but
I’ve never figured out how to make additional directories (examples, testing, doc) available in a “Pythonic” way. I also like the ability to have one DEVSIM installation to be accessible from any Python distribution on the system, but this is not a requirement.